About Hierarchies

Hierarchies are designed for organizations with 100+ vehicles (Enterprise feature). Hierarchies allow you to organize your fleet using multiple branches based on function, organizational structure, geographic region, or other customer-defined methodology. This level of organization through hierarchies provides the following benefits:

  • Scalable Administration – Segment your account by different divisions within the organization.
  • Permission-Based User Access – Allow division managers to administer their own vehicles, users, and drivers for certain nodes/branches and even manage the lower levels of the hierarchy structure itself.
  • Custom Reports – Design reports that include/exclude/intersect multiple trees without having to manually create groups for every combination of interest.
  • Report Distribution and Alert Escalation – Apply attributes to hierarchies to manage alerts, timezones, and scheduled report recipients.
  • Quick Queries – More intuitively filter data on reports, maps, and dashlets by node/branch. (See below.)

In order to use Hierarchy, your account must have the Manage Hierarchy item enabled in the Menu Access List (Account category). Additionally, different members in your organization can have different permissions to view and/or edit different branches within hierarchies. See Hierarchy Access to learn more.

Once one or more hierarchy trees are in place, users with permissions to see the branches can use them on reports, alerts, and more:
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