The following process is designed for Navistar dealers.
To configure OnCommandConnection:
- Log into the Dealer portal.
- From the Register Vehicles page, locate the serial number of the device.
- If you find it on this page, it indicates that the device has already been associated with a VIN and you can continue.
- If you cannot find the serial number of the device on this page, click the Unregistered link to register it.
- Log into the Navistar OnCommandCenter.
If you do not have a dealer account, you must enroll. When your account is created, your information appears under Telematic Account Information:
- After logging into the OnCommandCenter, click the Vehicles menu.
Vehicles start appearing within 48 hours after the account has been set up and verified. Column names include: VIN, Chassis, UnitNo, FirstScan, LastScan, Latest Scanner, Year, Model,and Make.
- Contact us when this process is complete, and we can enable the data flow on the GPS side.