ST-600 Series

Before You Begin

The installation kit contains a registration card, the ST-600 series device, 2 well nuts with screws, and two self-tapping screws.

Additional tools and supplies you may need include a fine-tip marker, centerpunch, and a ladder.

For device activation and registration, obtain the Install Key from your GPS Administrator and bookmark the Verify GPS Web App ( on your smartphone.

Installation Overview

The following steps provide an overview of the installation process:

  1. Install Preparation.
  2. Device Mounting.
  3. Activation and Registration

Installation Steps

  1. 1. Installation Preparation.

    1. Complete the registration card by locating the 19-digit serial number.
    2. Identify a suitable mounting location that is horizontal to the ground, has an unobstructed view of the sky, is not a removable panel, and will not be damaged during normal operation of the asset.
    3. Covert Installation: Though the device may report accurately in covertly installed locations, we do not recommend this type of installation due to the potential for lost data and/or diminished battery life.

    4. Inspect the area directly beneath the mounting location to ensure nothing will be damaged during installation.

  2. 2. Device Mounting.

    1. Position the mounting bracket and mark the position of the two holes.
    2. Secure the device to the asset with screws.

  3. 3. Activation and Registration.

    1. Open the GPS Insight VerifyGPS Web App via your smartphone or computer, then enter following information and follow the prompts to register the device.
      • Enter your Install Key.
      • Enter the Device Serial Number.
      • Select Device Type: ST-600.
      • Click ‘Next’ and follow the prompts to verify and register the device.
      • Device will not appear on the map initially. It takes ~6 hours of direct sunlight to start reporting and ~60 hours of sunlight to fully charge the battery.

      • Upon successful registration, give the registration card to your GPS administrator.

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