From the Map page of the Manager App, you can view your vehicles, assets, landmarks, and drivers on a map. By default, the map focuses on all vehicles in your fleet when you first open the app. You are also given the option to search and/or expand your Map Lists (Vehicles, Assets, Landmarks, and Drivers).
The Driver feature is available to customers with the Driver Management add-on only. Please contact your Account Manager if you would like to learn more.
Adjusting the Map
You can use the Map Overlay options (Vehicle, Assets, Landmark, and Driver) to see vehicles, landmarks, and drivers on the map or you can de-select one or all of these options to adjust what is shown on the map.
How to show vehicles, assets, landmarks, and drivers:
- From the Map page, tap Map Options.
- Tap Vehicles, Assets, Landmarks, and/or Drivers overlays if you would like to view them on the map.
- To toggle off a selected item, tap the icon again.
The icon turns blue to indicate the selected item will be shown on the map. The icon turns gray to indicate it will not appear on the map.
Viewing a Map List
You can view Map Lists from the Map page to view a list of your vehicles, assets, landmarks, or drivers and select a vehicle, asset, landmark, or driver to see the associated card and perform available actions (dependent on card type).
How to view a map list:
- From the Map Page, expand the Map List section by tapping and dragging up the expand button.
- Tap the list type (Vehicle, Asset, Landmark, or Driver) you would like to view.
The Map List section should now appear full screen.
The selected list appears.
To exit the selected map list, simply tap the < button.
Viewing the Vehicle List
The Vehicle List displays all vehicles, or filtered vehicles if you’ve filtered the map by vehicle. Vehicles are displayed by Vehicle ID. The assigned driver (if applicable), current status, and vehicle location display under the Vehicle ID. Click on the Vehicle ID to see the selected vehicle’s Vehicle Card.
Click the vehicle location to open the device’s native map. Use the pinned location to easily obtain directions.
Vehicle Status Legend
Please use the legend below to understand displayed vehicle statuses.
For a vehicle to be assigned an “out-of-range” status, the vehicle must meet two technical requirements: 1) Last known ignition Event is ON, AND 2) Last device ping received 60 minutes ago or more.
Working with a Vehicle
You can perform actions such as assigning a driver, contacting a driver (if assigned), centering the map over the selected vehicle, isolating the vehicle on the map temporarily, and/or viewing trip history from a selected vehicle’s Vehicle Card. Additionally, the Vehicle Card shows detailed information about the vehicle such as its location (street view may be available), driver assignment, and vehicle details.
You can select a vehicle to work with by using the steps included under Viewing a Map List (from the Vehicle List), you can tap on a vehicle displayed on the map, or you can use the Search field available in the Map List section by typing in the vehicle label.
Assigning a Driver
You can assign a driver or un-assign an assigned driver directly from the Vehicle Card.
How to assign a driver:
- From the Vehicle Card, tap the Assign Driver icon.
You can also assign a driver by tapping Assign Driver under Assignments in the detailed information section of the card.
- Use the search tool or tap the driver you would like to assign from the list.
- Tap Assign.
The Assign Driver page appears with a list of drivers and the search tool.
The screen navigates to the Vehicle Card and a green message appears confirming the driver was successfully assigned. The assigned driver is shown at the top of the Vehicle Card and under Assignments.
To un-assign, tap Unassign Driver and then tap Unassign. Additionally, you can tap on the x under Assignments and then tap Unassign.
Contacting a Vehicle
If you have assigned a driver to a vehicle and the assigned driver has associated contact information (entered in the Portal previously), you may contact the vehicle from the Vehicle Card.
How to contact a vehicle:
- From the Vehicle Card of a vehicle with an assigned driver, tap the Contact icon.
- Tap your preferred contact method to contact the vehicle.
The Contact pop-up appears with the option to call or message the vehicle.
Centering the Map Over the Vehicle
You can center the map over the vehicle to get a better understanding of your vehicle’s location and inform your decisions.
How to center the map over the vehicle:
Isolating a Vehicle/Asset
You can temporarily select to view a single vehicle/asset on the map using the Isolate toggle.
How to isolate a vehicle/asset:
- From the Vehicle Card, tap the More Options icon.
- Tap Isolate vehicle or Isolate asset (depending on your use case).
- Tap Confirm to turn off the isolate toggle and view all vehicles/assets in the fleet on the map or tap Cancel to keep the isolate feature on.
Available options are shown.
The map centers and zooms in over the isolated vehicle/asset. A green pop-up message displays temporarily confirming the isolate feature is active on the applicable vehicle/asset and if you wish to stop isolating the vehicle/asset, tap Undo.
The green pop-up disappears. If you would like to turn the Isolate feature toggle off, tap the left arrow on the left-hand side of the screen.
A pop-up appears asking you to confirm you would like to leave isolation view.
Viewing Trip History
You can see recent trip activity for a vehicle from the Vehicle Card.
How to view trip history:
- From the Vehicle Card, tap the More Options icon.
- Tap Trip History.
- Use the Calendar icon to choose a different date, or use the < or > buttons to the right and left of the date to change the selected date, to see activity for the corresponding day.
- Tap a trip summary to view the trip full screen.
- To exit the full screen visual of the trip, swipe right.
- To exit the Trip History page, tap the X next to the vehicle label.
Available options are shown.
Trip History is shown for the current day.
Trip summaries are shown for each trip on the selected date providing trip totals (miles, time) and a breakdown of activity with time between vehicle status changes and location.
Viewing Vehicle Information
The Vehicle Card Details section provides at-a-glance information about the selected vehicle including:
- Location
- Street View
Tap the > button next to Street View to expand the section and show the street view of the vehicle’s location.
- Assignments (Driver if assigned)
Tap on the driver name to view the corresponding Driver Card.
- Vehicle Details: VIN, Device Serial Number, Status, Odometer, Runtime (if available), Ignition status
- Today’s Trips (if applicable): Total Trips, Total Miles, Day Duration, Drive Time, Idle Time
- Alerts (if applicable)
- Vehicle Memberships: Hierarchies/Vehicle Groups
- Nearby (Assets/Landmarks)
Tap the > button next to Nearby to expand the section to see a list of nearby assets or landmarks. Use the Strawberry icon (
) to view a full list of nearby assets/landmarks and adjust the radius applied and/or only show applicable filtered assets/landmarks. You can tap the vehicle labels or landmark names to show corresponding Vehicle Cards/Landmark Cards.
Viewing the Asset List
The Asset List displays all assets, or filtered assets if you’ve filtered the map by asset. Assets are displayed by Asset ID. The assigned driver (if applicable), current status, and asset location display under the Vehicle ID. Click on the Asset ID to see the selected asset’s Asset Card.
Click the asset location to open the device’s native map. Use the pinned location to easily obtain directions.
Working with an Asset
You can perform actions such as assigning a driver, contacting the driver (if assigned), centering the map over the selected asset, temporarily isolating the asset on the map, and/or viewing trip history from a selected asset’s Asset Card. Additionally, the Asset Card shows detailed information about the asset such as its location (street view may be available), driver assignment, and asset details.
Use the steps listed under Working with a Vehicle to perform the same functions with an asset.
Viewing a Landmark
You can view detailed information about a landmark from a selected landmark’s Landmark Card such as its location (street view may be available), landmark details, and number of assets inside.
Selecting a Landmark
You can select a landmark using the steps included under Viewing a Map List (from the Landmark List), you can tap on a landmark displayed on the map, or you can use the Search field available in the Map List section by typing in the landmark name. Once you have selected a landmark, the corresponding Landmark Card is shown.
Working with a Driver
You can assign a vehicle, center the map over the driver’s assigned vehicle (if applicable), and/or view driver details (reference ID, phone number, email address, and timezone).
Selecting a Driver
You can select a driver using the steps included under Viewing a Map List (from the Driver List), you can tap on a driver displayed on the map, or you can use the Search field available in the Map List section by typing in the driver name. Once you have selected a driver, the corresponding Driver Card is shown.
Assigning to a Vehicle
You can assign a driver to a vehicle from the Driver Card.
How to assign a driver:
- From the Driver Card, tap the Assign Driver icon or tap Assign to Vehicle under Assignments.
- Use the search tool or locate the vehicle to which you would like to assign the driver in the list of vehicles.
- Tap Assign.
The Assign to Vehicle page appears.
The screen navigates to the Driver Card and a green message appears confirming the driver was successfully assigned.
Centering the Map
If the driver is assigned to a vehicle, the Center Map option is shown on the Driver Card.
How to center the map over the vehicle: