The best way to ensure your device is up to date is to opt-in for proactive updates. Opting-in to proactive updates gives permission for the Support team to update your device(s) when necessary, or when deemed beneficial. What are proactive updates? When your GPS devices were deployed for installation they were shipped with preloaded firmware…
If the ST-1200 device ever becomes unresponsive, meaning its standard reporting has ceased but you’re certain the unit is charged, then reset the device following the below instructions so that it can restart its programming and resume reporting. This process requires the download and use of the (Orbcomm) Field Support Tool app (iOS|Android). Resetting the…
Make Sure You’re Not Missing Any Features If you’re using Internet Explorer version 10 or older, this is a great time to update your browser so you can get more from your GPS Insight solution. Microsoft has not supported these older browsers since 2016, which means you may be missing out on certain features and…
The ST-1100/ST-1200 device uses solar power to charge its battery, and only uses cellular networks to develop and receive data. Since the ST-1100/ST-1200 is mainly solar-powered, its reporting functions are different than your average device. Reporting Motion Reporting The ST-1100/ST-1200 begins reporting once a unit has moved for a complete mile. Once the unit hits…
The MDT Mapping update includes important updates for mapping, and improved functionality for integration between Magellan and the ELD Messaging/eFleetSuite apps.