Using the GPS Insight DVIR Portal from your desktop’s web browser, you can manage inspection form templates and review your drivers’ submitted pre-trip, post-trip, and ad-hoc DVIRs.
Creating and Managing Inspection Form Templates
You can create and manage custom inspection form templates specific to asset types in your fleet. This increases inspection efficiency as your drivers are inspecting asset items specific to the asset they are operating.
Creating Inspection Form Templates
How to create an inspection form template:
- Log in to the GPS Insight DVIR Portal using your valid credentials.
- Click Inspection Forms to view the Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page.
- Click +Add Form.
- Enter a name for the form in the Form Name field.
- Click +Add Area.
- Enter a name for the area in the Area Name field.
- Click +Add New Inspection Point.
- In the Description field, enter an item inspection point.
- Continue adding areas and inspection points as needed (click Save periodically to save your progress while you are creating the form template). When finished, click Save & Close.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. By default, the Inspection History section is displayed.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. A list of current inspection form templates for your organization are displayed showing template name, who the form was created by, who the form was released by, date of release, release version number, and draft revision number.
All columns can be sorted by ascending or descending order.
The Create New Inspection Form page appears.
Managing Inspection Form Templates
You can manage created inspection form templates using the available actions in the Action column of the Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page.
How to manage inspection form templates:
- Log in to the GPS Insight DVIR Portal using your valid credentials.
- Click Inspection Forms to view the Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page.
- Locate the inspection form template you would like to manage.
- In the Actions column, use the available actions to manage the inspection form template.
- Edit: Click Edit () to edit the form template. The Edit Inspection Form appears, make your edits and then click Save & Close.
- Copy: Click Copy () to make a copy of the inspection form template. The Vehicle Inspection Duplicate pop-up appears prompting you to enter a name for the copy. Click OK when you are ready.
If the inspection form template has not yet been released, you will not be able to make a copy.
- Delete: Click Delete () to delete the inspection form template.
- Settings: Click Settings () to change the inspection number prefix associated with the template. The Inspection Number Prefix pop-up appears prompting you to enter a prefix, then click Save.
- Submit: If the inspection template form has not yet been released, you can click Submit () to make the form available. The Confirmation pop-up appears prompting you to confirm that you would like to make the form revision available, click OK.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. By default, the Inspection History section is displayed.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears.
Reviewing & Managing Submitted Inspections
From the Inspection History section of the Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page, you can quickly see submitted inspections for the date range selected as each inspection is displayed listing the vehicle, inspection number, number/severity of defects, result, inspection type, who the inspection was created by, time of creation, status, and attachments (if applicable). You can easily filter the inspections on this page by vehicle, trailer, date range, and/or defect status. Additionally, the columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Reviewing Submitted Inspections
How to review submitted inspections:
- Log in to the GPS Insight DVIR Portal using your valid credentials.
- To expand the submitted inspection and view details such as repairs or other documents, tap > corresponding to the inspection row.
- To view repairs, click the wrench icon () if available in the Actions column.
- Use the drop-down to change the repair status, if applicable.
- Click Next to see work order details (if available).
- If applicable, complete the fields and click Submit.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. By default, the Inspection History section is displayed. Submitted inspections are displayed for the date range selected.
The submitted inspection information row expands to show details.
The Repair pop-up opens listing the defect and repair status.
The Work Order Details section expands showing available associated work order information.
Any changes submitted are saved to the submitted inspection.
Managing Submitted Inspections
In addition to reviewing submitted inspections for a selected time period, you can manage submitted inspections using available actions such as uploading, downloading to an Excel or PDF document, or emailing.
How to manage submitted inspections:
- Log in to the GPS Insight DVIR using your valid credentials.
- Locate the inspection that you would like to manage (you may need to use the date range filter).
- In the Actions column, use the available action icons in the row corresponding to the applicable inspection.
- Upload Document: Click Upload () to upload a document. You are prompted to choose a file and enter notes (if applicable), then click Save.
- Download Excel: Click Download Excel () to download the inspection as an Excel file.
- Download PDF: Click Download PDF () to download the inspection as a PDF file.
- Email: Click Email () to email the inspection. In the Send Vehicle Inspection Form pop-up, you are prompted to enter email addresses via comma-separated list then click Send.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. By default, the Inspection History section is displayed. Submitted inspections are displayed for the date range selected.
Bulk Export
You can export submitted inspections in bulk to an Excel or PDF zipped file or email.
How to export in bulk:
- Log in to the GPS Insight DVIR Portal using your valid credentials.
- Locate the inspections that you would like to export (you may need to use the date range filter).
- Use the checkboxes under the Vehicle column next to the applicable inspections to select each inspection you would like to export or you may use the checkbox next to Vehicle to select all of the inspections listed on the page.
- Click the applicable action icon for your desired export: Excel, PDF, or Email.
The Vehicle Inspection Form Manager page appears. By default, the Inspection History section is displayed. Submitted inspections are displayed for the date range selected.
If you select Email, in the Send Vehicle Inspection Form pop-up, you are prompted to enter email addresses via comma-separated list then click Send.