You have created and distributed your Safety Agreement and your drivers are on board.
Your fleet safety data is streaming in.
Now you need a plan to maintain your fleet safety program.
1. Measure What You Want to Manage
Deciding what to measure is often the most difficult step; however, you can make it easier for yourself by using our configurable Driving Violations Summary (Supported devices only) report to get you started.
- Rapid acceleration
- Harsh braking
- Hard left/right turning
- Idling
- Speeding
2. Manage What You Just Measured
Now comes the most important part, determining how often to review your measured data and what your fleet event averages are, so that you can provide coaching to drivers who have more than the average number of events.
Define Your Report Review Frequency
Upon initial rollout of a new safety program, we recommend that you review your report on a weekly basis to learn how to read the report and start to spot trends.
The most dramatic change will occur in the first few weeks of a new program as drivers adjust to new behaviors.
3. Coach Your Drivers
Looking at the average number of safety events per 100 miles, draw a “line in the sand” and set your focus on any vehicle that triggers more than the average number of events.
Draw the Line and Have a Conversation
Once you isolate the drivers who require coaching, consider discussing the following:
- Actual vs. Assumed Events: Ask the driver how many individual events he/she thinks occurred during the time period and then share the actual number that he or she triggered.
- Top Event Type: Find out which event total the driver has most of, and ask the driver to pay attention to that specific behavior going forward.
4. Continue to Improve
Continue to enforce the Safety Agreement held between yourself and your drivers while updating and/or adding new agreements when appropriate.