App Switcher & SSO FAQ

App Switcher Frequently Asked Questions

What is the App Switcher?The App Switcher is a convenient tool located in the top left corner of the Fleet Management Portal that allows you to seamlessly switch between GPS Insight, Driveri, and FieldAware platforms without needing to log in multiple times.
How do I use the App Switcher to open the Driveri Portal?Simply click the App Switcher icon in the top left corner of the Fleet Management Portal, select “Driveri” from the dropdown menu, and a new tab will open with the Driveri account already logged in and ready to use.
Do I need to log in again when switching to Driveri?No, once you are logged into the GPS Insight Portal, you can switch to the Driveri Portal without entering their credentials again. This single sign-on feature saves time and streamlines your workflow.
I’m navigated to a page about cameras instead of my Driveri Portal, why isn’t my SSO working?While the Driveri option is visible to all users in the App Switcher, you may be redirected to an information page offering a demo if:

– Single Sign-On (SSO) hasn’t been configured for your organization yet
– Your GPS Insight and Driveri accounts haven’t been synchronized. You can contact their Account Manager to set this up.
Can I use the App Switcher from any page in the Fleet Management Portal?Yes! The App Switcher is consistently available in the top left corner of every page within the Fleet Management Portal for easy access.
What happens I click on Driveri in the App Switcher?When you select the Driveri option, a new browser tab opens automatically, taking you directly to your Driveri dashboard. Their session information carries over, so you’ll be ready to work right away.

Single Sign On (SSO) Frequently Asked Questions

What is Single Sign-On (SSO) for Driveri?SSO allows users to securely access their Driveri account directly from the Fleet Management Portal without having to log in separately. Once configured, you can switch between platforms seamlessly.
How do I know if SSO is set up for my organization?You can tell SSO is working when:

– Clicking Driveri in the App Switcher takes you directly to your Driveri dashboard
– You don’t need to enter additional login credentials

SSO most likely needs to be configured if you are directed to a landing page about dash cameras.
Who can set up SSO?Please contact your Account Manager to set up SSO.
What should I do if SSO isn’t working?If you are redirected to the landing page about dash cameras instead of your Driveri dashboard, please do the following:

– Verify that you have an active Driveri account
– Contact their Account Manager to confirm SSO has been configured
Is SSO secure?Yes! SSO uses industry-standard security protocols to safely pass authentication between Fleet Management and Driveri Portals. User credentials are always protected and encrypted during this process.
What is User Sync?Think of User Sync as a bridge that connects Fleet Management and Driveri accounts. It keeps user information up-to-date across both platforms, so users can easily switch between them.
How does it work?When Access is Added
1) Contact your Account Manager to set up SSO and user sync.
2) The system automatically sets up the connection to Driveri
3) You can then use the App Switcher to move between platforms

When Changes Are Made
1) Any updates to user access in the Fleet Management Portal automatically carry over to Driveri
2) You don’t need to do anything – it all happens behind the scenes
3) The user administrator can manage user access from one place

If Access is Removed
1) If user Driveri access needs to be turned off, the user administrator can do it from the Fleet Management Portal
2) The Impacted user will no longer be able to switch to Driveri through the App Switcher