Release Notes/Feature Updates

Portal Enhancements

The following is a list of enhancements recently made to the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal:

  • The Driver Scorecard report is now shown in the user’s default time zone.
  • The Diagnostic Report now offers a new and improved UI.
  • Fleet All-in-One users can now download camera events or specific clip requests to your device local device for long term storage, if needed.
  • Customers can now search the map for Vehicle, Landmark, User, Driver, and Address when utilizing Trip History.
  • Drivers now have the ability to utilize the search feature in the new Driver App for any vehicle associated to their account. A driver can begin typing the name of any vehicle they wish to assign themselves, and a drop down of available vehicles will show.
  • Location alerts can be defined and set per vehicle to share desired location addresses to an intended driver/recipient.

Fixed Bugs

The following is a list of recently resolved bugs:

  • Resolved an issue relating to DriverID permissions to ensure the right drivers were able to see necessary information based on their permission level.
  • Resolved an issue where Scheduled Reports were not saving after editing.
  • Modified our existing Fleet Utilization Report to ensure when a report is requested that it shows only historical data.
  • Corrected variance as it relates to how mileage is showing on Fuel Usage Reports.
  • Resolved an issue where customers received a 401 error when attempting to view the Vehicle History report.
  • Resolved an issue where newly created routes or fixed routes were not displaying or showing in the route list.