Driveri GreenZone Score Update 6/1/2021

Driveri GreenZone scoring provides insight into the safe driving performance of drivers and fleets. We are updating our GreenZone score to better identify risky driving behavior that is detrimental to the safety of drivers and the public.

This GreenZone Score update includes the following improvements:

  • Increased Correlation with Preventable Crashes
  • Stronger Focus on Driver Recognition
  • Improved Following Distance Metrics

For general information on GreenZone scoring, see: Driveri GreenZone Score

Increased Correlation with Preventable Crashes

Driver scores of 700 indicate an almost 3 times greater probability of preventable crash involvement compared to driver scores of 950. As more data is collected, the correlation of driver behavior with preventable crashes will increase.

Alerts with the Most GreenZone Score Effect

Alert weighting is directly related to preventable crash data. Alerts shown below have a greater impact on GreenZone scores.

High levels of alerts equate to a greater risk of preventable crashes.

Stronger Focus on Driver Recognition

To recognize safe driving behaviors, DriverStar Streaks and DriverStar Bonuses have been added to GreenZone Scoring.

  • DriverStar Streaks: Recognizing drivers for consistent safe driving behavior, including:
    – Full Stops (active)
    – Maintaining a Safe Speed (Coming Soon)
    – Maintaining a Safe Following Distance (Coming Soon)
    – No Red-Light Violations (Coming Soon)
  • DriverStar Bonus Points: Fewer points are given for a single DriverStar, but points accumulate as more DriverStars are earned each day.
    Single DriverStars + DS Streak = Total Daily Bonus (capped at 50 points)

Improved Following Distance Metrics

The Average Following Distance (AFD) feature has been added to GreenZone scoring to monitor the average distance and time (seconds) a driver follows a vehicle in the same lane.

  • This includes the total time a driver is driving in traffic
  • Traffic: Other vehicles in the same lane and/or neighboring lanes
  • In the example below, the average Following Distance would be calculated by traffic detected. Driver’s FD = 3.4 seconds.

The driver’s score is no longer impacted if a vehicle cuts in front of the fleet driver. Risky Following Distance minutes no longer affect the driver’s score.

How Driver Scores Will be Affected by This Update

  • Most driver’s scores will increase.
    In a sample of 2100 drivers, 72% had an increase in their monthly score.
    26% had a decrease in score of 0 to -5% (February data) – similar results for Aug & Sep data (see graph).
    The increase in score can be attributed to drivers weekly & monthly scores being calculated from the weighted average of daily scores, as well as updated factor (alert) definitions and weighting.

  • Some drivers with very low scores (< 500) will have significant increases in their score.
    This increase is due to the normalization of the score so that the majority of all driver’s scores fall between 600 and 1000 points. The following alerts will have a higher impact on driver scores than the current version. This is because accident data shows a stronger correlation of these behaviors to preventable crashes:
    – Following Distance
    – Traffic Light Violations
    – Driver Distraction
    – Stop Sign Violations
    – Hard Turns
    – Hard Braking

GreenZone Score Update FAQ

Questions about the latest GreenZone Score update? See below.

Question Answer
Why is it being updated – what is wrong with the current score? This update improves the current version of the GreenZone score in many ways, as described previously. We at Netradyne are always striving to improve the products and features provided to our customers and this update reflects that commitment.
How will this affect my driver’s scores? • If a driver has a habit of engaging in distracted driving, following too close, running traffic lights and/or stop signs then their score will most likely be impacted significantly.This is because preventable accident data shows that these behaviors increase the risk of crashes.

• Most drivers will actually see a slight increase in their average scores. This may be due to revised impact of an alert on the score or the new method of using the weighted daily average of a driver’s score to compute their weekly and monthly scores.

• Drivers with very low scores may see a significant increase in their score with this update. This is due to a normalization of the GreenZone score so that most drivers scores fall between 600 and 1000 points.
When will this take effect? The score update will go into effect on June 1st.
Can we opt-out of this update? If there is a concern with this update please discuss it with your Customer Success Manager.