How to Import Generic Fuel Card Transactions
Fuel Card reports are only available to Fuel Card customers. If you are interested in adding the Fleet Fuel Card to your account, please contact your Account Manager.
The Fuel Card Transactions Report and Fuel Card Usage Report can be populated with fuel purchase data sourced from any credit card(s) using a CSV Excel spreadsheet file. An example import file is provided in the portal for formatting.
Spreadsheet Update
From the portal main menu, go to:
Account → Admin → Manage Vehicles → Additional Options → Update/Export items using a spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet Actions
Go to: Create Fuel Card Transactions at the bottom of the list in Spreadsheet Actions.
Import file Format
- Click on example #1 to download/save the CSV Example file.
- Open the example file in Microsoft® Excel™ or a similar spreadsheet editor.
- The header Row 1 includes all available column header names. Copy/paste or type these header names into a spreadsheet with the data.
- The order of the columns in the spreadsheet does not matter.
- All the Reference fields are required for the data to be imported.
Required Reference Fields
Site Name
Site Address
Site City
Site Zip
Site Country
Transaction ID
Product Type

Each row corresponds to one credit card fuel purchase per vehicle. Row 2 in the example #1 file is example data for reference purposes only.
Import: Step-by-Step
Choose File
In Spreadsheet Actions, at the bottom of the list, click the radio button to select Create Fuel Card Transactions.In the Import Step 1 (top-left), click the Choose File button, then browse to the location where you saved the CSV or Excel file to be imported.
Select the file and click the Open button or double-click on the file.
Click the Upload Now button.
Define Columns
The Define Columns grid appears. This grid shows how the spreadsheet column header names (shown in bold) will be mapped to each field in the portal. If there are any mismatched fields or any marked “IGNORE”, select the appropriate field name in the drop down list.All 12 required Reference fields must have data mapped to them, but the other Update fields are optional.
Click the Preview the Import button.
The Preview Import Data grid appears. Use this grid to verify the data before it is imported. Valid values for reference fields will be marked with a green check box.Click the Proceed with Import button.
The Import All Data grid appears. This grid provides a summary of the imported results. If any rows were skipped, they will be listed here with the reason they were not imported.
It is necessary to log out of the portal and log in again before the reports will be visible in the drop-down Reports menu.
How to Import Generic Fuel Card Transactions
The Fuel Card Transactions Report and Fuel Card Usage Report can be populated with fuel purchase data sourced from any credit card(s) using a CSV Excel spreadsheet file. An example import file is provided in the portal for formatting.
Spreadsheet Update
From the portal main menu, go to:
Account → Admin → Manage Vehicles → Additional Options → Update/Export items using a spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet Actions
Go to: Create Fuel Card Transactions at the bottom of the list in Spreadsheet Actions.
Import file Format
- Click on example #1 to download/save the CSV Example file.
- Open the example file in Microsoft® Excel™ or a similar spreadsheet editor.
- The header Row 1 includes all available column header names. Copy/paste or type these header names into a spreadsheet with the data.
- The order of the columns in the spreadsheet does not matter.
- All the Reference fields are required for the data to be imported.
Required Reference Fields
Site Name
Site Address
Site City
Site Zip
Site Country
Transaction ID
Product Type

Each row corresponds to one credit card fuel purchase per vehicle. Row 2 in the example #1 file is example data for reference purposes only.
Import: Step-by-Step
Choose File
In Spreadsheet Actions, at the bottom of the list, click the radio button to select Create Fuel Card Transactions.In the Import Step 1 (top-left), click the Choose File button, then browse to the location where you saved the CSV or Excel file to be imported.
Select the file and click the Open button or double-click on the file.
Click the Upload Now button.
Define Columns
The Define Columns grid appears. This grid shows how the spreadsheet column header names (shown in bold) will be mapped to each field in the portal. If there are any mismatched fields or any marked “IGNORE”, select the appropriate field name in the drop down list.All 12 required Reference fields must have data mapped to them, but the other Update fields are optional.
Click the Preview the Import button.
The Preview Import Data grid appears. Use this grid to verify the data before it is imported. Valid values for reference fields will be marked with a green check box.Click the Proceed with Import button.
The Import All Data grid appears. This grid provides a summary of the imported results. If any rows were skipped, they will be listed here with the reason they were not imported.
It is necessary to log out of the portal and log in again before the reports will be visible in the drop-down Reports menu.